中期可靠性RFO -能源进口

San Diego Gas & 电力公司(SDG&E”) seeks through this Integrated Resources Plan (“IRP”) Reliability Request for Offers (“Mid-Term IRP Reliability RFO”) to procure resources to meet electric system reliability needs as required by California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") Decision (“D.”) 21-06-035. 该决定要求实现可持续发展目标&E to solicit offers from owners and operators for the purchase of eligible resource adequacy (“RA”) to come online by August 1, 2023, June 1, 2024, June 1, 2025, or June 1, 2026. 

委员会通过了D.23-02-040需要可持续发展目标&E to solicit additional incremental offers from owners and operators for the purchase of eligible RA to come online by June 1, 2026, and June 1, 2027. 长交货期资源, including long duration energy storage and firm zero-emitting resources, 可以推迟到6月1日上线吗, 2028. SDG&E will be launching new phase(s) of the Mid-Term IRP Reliability RFO in the coming months to solicit offers for the purchase of eligible RA to meet the remaining requirements of D.21-06-035 and D.23-02-040.

发布于2023年2月28日,D.23-02-040 Ordering Paragraph 8 states that “For enhanced reliability purposes and compliance with the generic capacity requirements of D.21-06-035或者这个顺序, but not for the Diablo Canyon replacement capacity or long lead-time resource procurement required in D.21-06-035, a load serving entity may contract for imported energy as a bridge until the online date of a new compliance resource, 从任何资源和任何对手处获取, 期限不超过三年. The bridge contract for imported energy must meet resource adequacy requirements at the time the contract is executed.”

Products Solicited & 提交文件

Specifically, SDG&E is launching this Request for Offer to seek submission of imported energy offer(s) for the purchase of eligible RA as bridge capacity to meet electric system reliability needs in D.21-06-035 and D.23-02-040.

  • The offered imported energy must follow the eligibility and counting rules of resource adequacy requirements at the time of contract execution and 交付日期为2024年6月1日.
  • The proposed contract term may cover any combination of months between June 1, 2024, and May 31, 2025, 而且不限于一年的完整连续任期.
  • There is no minimum quantity requirement for the product.
  • 对于非资源特定的RA导入, an energy product that cannot be curtailed for economic reasons shall self-schedule into the California Independent System Operator markets, consistent with the timeframe established in the governing contract.
  • SDG&E will utilize the Edison Electric Institute (“EEI”) Master Purchase & Sale Agreement or Western Systems Power Pool (“WSPP”) Agreement to execute any agreement(s) that may result from this RFO.

RFO Schedule

The following are the key deadlines that apply to this RFO. SDG&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time and at SDG&E自行决定. Respondents are responsible for accessing the RFO website for updated schedules and possible amendments to the RFO or the solicitation process. This RFO will remain open until a closing date is determined.





RFO Issued

July 5, 2023



Offers must be uploaded to and received on PowerAdvocate®


July 14, 2023











Target date to complete contract negotiations for June 1, 2024 start date deliveries

August 18, 2023

* Negotiation time will vary depending on proposal specifics, 包括拟议的合同修改. CPUC filing requirements may also affect negotiation milestones.

**评估报价后,可持续发展目标&E will notify shortlisted Respondents of their awards according to the Schedule above. 如果受访者不接受可持续发展目标&E’s shortlist award on or before the date in the Schedule, SDG&E将停止关于适用裁决的谈判. Offer prices must be held firm until completion of contract execution. 



提案必须通过PowerAdvocate提交. Respondents intending to bid but who do not yet have an existing account with PowerAdvocate® must first register to create a username/password to receive access to the event (event code 140188). Users with an existing PowerAdvocate® account may request access using:  

For imported energy, please submit the following documents with the offer(s).

  1. 中期可靠性进口能源报价表 
  2. Credit Application 
  3. DBE分包目标和报告 

Qualitative factors and benefits may be used to determine advancement onto the shortlist or evaluate tie-breakers, if any. In addition, SDG&E analyzes the qualitative aspects of each conforming offer to establish how well the offer satisfies priorities set out by the CPUC, 包括供应商多样性. SDG&E strongly encourages Diverse Business Enterprises (“DBEs”), Women-Owned, Minority-Owned, 残疾退伍军人, Lesbian-Owned, Gay-Owned, Bisexual-Owned and/or Transgender-Owned Business Enterprises (“WMDVLGBTBEs”) as defined in G.O. 156、参加本RFO. Furthermore, SDG&E strongly encourages developers to utilize DBEs during various stages of project development and construction. As a part of G.O. 156, SDG&E将要求开发人员识别, verify and report their DBE contractors/subcontractor spending if any. 关于可持续发展目标的更多信息&E的DBE课程可在以下网址找到: http://lz6q.hadeslo.com/moreinformation/doing-business-with-us/supplierdiversity and http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/puc/supplierdiversity.


RFO Communication

All questions or other communications regarding this IRP Reliability RFO must be submitted via email to BOTH [email protected] with a CC to [email protected] (独立评估者).